She Will Rise | Women of Distinction

She rises, not to compete, but to lead,

A spark in her soul, planted as a seed.

With strength in her heart and fire in her eyes,

She builds her own path, no matter the size.

But today, take a moment, breathe deep and stand tall,

Savor the victories, the rise, and the fall.

For the journey’s not just about where you go,

It’s about pausing to feel all you’ve come to know.

No longer confined by limits or fear,

She steps into her power, bold and sincere.

Each challenge she meets, each mountain she climbs,

She shows the world that it’s her time to shine.

So walk with your head high, embrace every fight,

You are the future, you are the light.

Take a breath, soak in this moment, and know,

The strength you’ve found will continue to grow.

By Angelo-Austine Britto (A. A. Britto)

Instagram: @angelosprose


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